Next Level Free Painting Program ™
The process that sets us apart

EPA Certification
Next Level Painting™ Competence
As an EPA certified renovator I ensure lead safe work practices, and utilize this expertise to train employees on the Six lead safe skills required to perform tasks in conformance to the EPA RRP Rule.
Clean and Contained Work Area
Next Level Cleaning™
At Color Up Painting we always want to value your time and home as much as you. That is why all employees become certified in not only house cleaning fundamentals, yet also have added dust containment training with the use of HEPA vacs and more.
Next Level Communication and Education™
We understand your need for quality, timely communication with who you do business with. That is why we empower employees to achieve Level 3 Certification in Customer Service. This enhances communication skills, ability to evaluate needs, and become proficient in high level customer service as this is a critical component of every project.