Choosing colors does not have to be dreadful. Its so important to keep a few things in mind when thinking about color pallets, and there's one aspect that is commonly overlooked: Visual Depth.
Color charts and samples are a wonderful way to keep in mind color choices for projects, yet don't let that be the only way that helps you determine what's best for your projects. A small color chart square, or a live sample painted on the wall can definitely point you in the right general direction. Yet I often like to offer additional choices consisting of colors that will provide dimension or depth to a space. I am not afraid to create custom colors as well to create new avenues forward. Many times a professional presentation of recommendations is extremely helpful for my clients. For the clients that want a mural or artistry, more profound color combinations that are arranged carefully can transport a flat wall to what appears to be a multidimensional area. Imagine a world without reflections, shadows or low lights, or even highlights. The world would look flat, and unappealing.
There certainly are spaces that call for traditional color combos, and that can match my clients preferences at that time. I am happy to coordinate the work to meet these expectations. Yet, for the clients that want me to dig deeper, I am happy to them colors, designs, and finishes that can transcend space and time.
Here are a few photos of a feature wall that I painted with added artistic features to add dimension, and vibrant colors that required added colorants to add depth. I have many more examples, and plan to add them to my next few blogs, so stick with me!

Yours Truly,
Laura Michelle